
Data Description

  • Data source : Google analytics for Fun88 (China only) Url
  • Date range : 2018-08-01 ~ 2019-01-31 (6months)
  • Download Data

Skipped Rate for each steps

  • We can see the hightest skipped rate is at ‘DOB’ step about 18.5% users. (skipped rate = skipped traffic/total traffic)
  • When the users pass DOB step, skipped rate will decrese. Such as ‘Address’ or ‘MemberCode’ steps need to think for a while, hence avg_sesstiontime will increse.

Why users skipped when ‘DOB’?

1.Different types of ‘DOB’

Why users skipped when ‘DOB’?

2.Private concern

  • Date of birth and gender seem like marketing questions. Users are becoming savvy to this and are more reluctant to share personal details. Ref.

What are we real needed steps?

  • 18 steps for Fun88 is a little too much, however TLC only 9 steps and RB88 only 4 steps.